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Kingdom of Something Week1 國外MG公司實習第一週!好挫!


現在想想也是有點瘋狂,法文還沒學好也不會說德文,然後英文退步一大截後去一家全部人都是英文母語程度的公司實習,只能說上班前幾天真的快要緊張死。不過工作室的大家都非常友善,讓我放鬆不少> < 剛結束我實習的第一週,就帶大家看看我實習的公司吧!

After finishing the course in Gobelins, I left for Berlin to start my internship. It’s a bit crazy. I can’t speak German and my English became so poor after this year. And then I  was in a studio where all the people are fluently English speakers. I can only say that I was nervous to die during the first week. However, everyone in the studio is very friendly and kind which makes me feel relax a lot > <. I just finished the first week of my internship, let’s take a look about this studio!


Kingdom of Something.

我目前實習的工作室叫做Kingdom of Something,由四位瑞典人創立的Motion Graphic公司。他們是在兩三年在阿姆斯丹唸 Motion Graphic的時候認識的,目前有一位成員常駐在阿姆斯特丹。除我之外還有一位來自美國的實習生,所以平常大家都用英文溝通,不過他們有時候還是會用瑞典文,這時候就真的都聽不懂惹~~

I am currently the intern in Kingdom of Something which is a motion graphic studio founded by four Swedes. They met while they were studying Motion Graphic in Amsterdam three years ago. At this moment, one member lives in Amsterdam.  Besides me, there is also an intern from the United States, so usually, we all communicate in English, but sometimes they still speak Swedish. (BTW I only know one bad word in Swedish)

偷拍上班中的大家(左Marcus 右Sebastian) 辦公室有AKIRA設定集跟漫畫!
再次偷拍,沒錯,我的位置就是看得到大家!(左Johanna 右Alex)

他們在做什麼呢? What are we doing?


The studio mainly working on video making, motion clips, and animation. The cases can from Sweden, Dubai or Nigeria, which is very international. Most of the time we create stories and sometimes we follow the script. Because both internal and external working process is long-distance, the workflow and software have been developed quite properly.(The video below is one of their works!)

公司環境 Office Environment

我們與一間Creative Design公司共用一間工作室,整體環境非常舒適,偶而還會有大狗狗來拜訪。除了有會議室沙發椅外,還有廚房!!大家中午的時候會去附近的超市買食材,中午就現煮來吃。跟我在法國唸書的時候大家一起吃便當的文化相當不一樣~

We share a studio with a Creative Design company. Overall, the atmosphere is very comfortable. Occasionally some dogs visit. We have a meeting room, sofa area, and a kitchen!! Usually, people will go to the supermarket nearby to buy some food then cook for lunch. The culture of lunch was quite different from when I was studying in France ~



工作態度 Working Attitude


I felt amazing on the first day. I received an online “Pledge of Allegiance” manual, which clearly mentions the workflow, naming, timing, and some recommendations of books. There are also rules for the styles using on Google. Since I have been working in various studios, I think they have the best staff education and workflow details! There is also something interesting – transparency. Invoices, emails, and proposals are seen by everyone to ensure that everyone understands what’s going on with every project.

我身為實習生在做些什麼呢? What am I doing as an intern?


Usually, I always wait for someone to tell me what to do. However, what surprised me was that  I was asked what I want to do. So I  proposed to do a side-project about my life in Paris. Gratefully, all my colleagues give me opinions and resources. However, it is still necessary to focus on the main cases. I participate brainstorm, making a proposal, and trying to help with some simple motions. Because we are rebranding now, I am also working on it. Therefore, I think I will have a substantial internship in these two month.



心境 My thoughts for the first week.

開始實習的第一個禮拜真的是緊張到不行,然後因為語言上的轉換,常常聽話的時候腦中一片空白,或是要講話的時候找不到單字,發想的時候很難精準地表達想法,對於工作上的流程還是會有卻步。像是對於自己的設計非常沒有自信等等,但是希望都可以在第二週漸入佳境> <

I was really stressed and anxious for the first week. Because of the new environment, new friends, new culture, and new working content, I was always afraid to make mistakes or offend someone. I had a lot of blank moments when I was thinking m, also I couldn’t find a word when I wanted to say something. I was lack of confidence to convey my thoughts. But hopefully, I wish I can get better in the second week.


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